Take a trip back down "memory" lane...it'll do you good!!!

Close your eyes...and go back...

Before the Internet or the MAC...

Before semi-automatics and crack...

Before chronic and indo...

Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...

Way back...I'm talkin' about hide and go seek at dusk...

Sittin' on the porch...hot bread and butter...

The ice cream man...Simon Says...ick the Can…Red light...

Green light...

Lunch Boxes with a Thermos...that broke...chocolate milk...

Lunch tickets...Penny candy from the corner store...

Hopscotch...butterscotch...skates with eys...Jacks…kickball...dodgeball...Dixie peach...and

Bonnie Doon socks...Mother May I?

Hula Hoops...and Sunflower Seeds...Whist and Old Maid...

And Crazy Eighties...Wax lips...and mustaches...Mary Janis...

Saddle shoes...and Coke bottles with the names of cities on the bottom...

Running through the sprinkler...circle pins...bobby pins...

Mickey Mouse Club...Crusader Rabbit...Rocky & Bullwinkle...

Fran & Ollie...Spin & Marty...all in black & white...

Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar, Playing slingshot...

When around the corner seemed far away...and going downtown seemed like going somewhere...

Bedtime...climbing trees...making forts...

Coaster made from orange crates and an old skate...

Backyard Shows...lemonade stands...Cops and Robbers...

Cowboys and Indians...

Sittin' on the curb...staring at the clouds...jumpin' down the steps...jumping on the bed...

Pillow fights, "company"...Ribbon candy...angel hair on the

Christmas tree...Mary Martin as "Peter Pan"...

Jackie Gleason as "the poor soul"...

White gloves...walking to church...walking to the library...

Being tickled to death...running till you were out of breath...

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt...

Being tired from plain'...Remember that?

Not step-in' on a crack...or you'll break your mother's

Back...paper chains at Christmas...silhouettes of Lincoln and

Washington...the smell of paste...buck bags and Evening in


Crowding around in a circle for the 'after school fight'...then running when the teacher came...

What about the girl that had the big bubbly handwriting..who dotted her "i's" with hearts??

Bob parties...slam books...The Stroll...popcorn balls...

sock hops & hay rides...

Remember when...when there were two types of sneakers for girls and boys (Keds & PF Flyer)

and the only time you wore them at school, was for "gym" ...with those great blue and white

gym uniforms...

When it took five minutes for the TV to warm up...

When nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got

home from school...

When nobody owned a purebred dog...

When a quarter was a decent allowance...and another

quarter a huge bonus...

When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny...

When girls neither dated nor kissed until late high school, if


When your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces...

When all of your male teachers wore neckties and female

Teachers had their hair done everyday and wore high heels...

When you got your windshield cleaned...oil checked...

And gas pumped without asking...for free...every time...and you didn't pay for air...and you

got trading stamps to boot!

When laundry detergent had free glasses...dishes...or towels hidden inside the box...

When any parent could discipline any kid...or feed him or use him to carry groceries...and

nobody...not even the kid...

thought a thing of it...

When pizza wasn't delivered...and chicken was...

When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to

dinner at a real restaurant with your parents...

When all Policemen were called Sir...

When they threatened to keep kids back a grade if they

failed...and did!

When the worst thing you could do at school was smoke in

the bathrooms...flunk a test...or chew gum...

And the prom was in the gym and you danced to an ochestra...and all the girls wore pastel

gowns...and the boys wore dinner jackets...and paid for dinner...

When a '57 Chevy was everyone's dream car...to cruise

The strip...peel out...lay rubber...or watch submarine races...

And people went steady...and girls wore a class ring with an

inch of wrapped dental floss coated with pastel frost nail polish...so it would fit her finger...

And no one ever asked where the car keys were 'cause they

Were always in the car...in the ignition...and the doors were never locked...and you got in big

trouble if you accidentally locked the doors at home...no one ever had a key...

And lying on your back on the grass with your friends...and

saying things like "That cloud looks like..."

And playing baseball on the empty corner lot with no adults

to help the kids with the rules of the game...then baseball

was not a psychological group learning experience...it was a


Remember when stuff from the market came without safety

caps...and hermetic seals 'cause no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger...

And with all our progress...don't you just wish...

just once...you could slip back in time and savor the slower

pace...and share it with the children of the 80's and 90's...

So send this on to someone who can still remember Nancy Drew...The Hardy Boys...Trixie

Belden...Laurel & Hardy...Howdy Doody...and The Peanut Gallery...The Lone Ranger...The

Shadow Knows...Nellie Belle...Roy Rogers and Dale...Trigger...and Buttermilk...as well as the

sound of a rotary mower on Saturday morning...and summers filled with bike rides...treasure

hunts...baseball games...bowling and visits to the local public pool...Eating Kool-aid powder

with sugar off the end of your licked finger...

When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a

misbehaving student at home...basically, we were in fear for our lives...but it wasn't because of

drive-by shootings...drugs...gangs...etc...

Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat...but we all survived because their love

was greater than the threat...

NOW, didn't that feel good...just to go back and say?

Yeah, I remember that!!! Ü